Individualized Learning Paths

Your learners acquire the knowledge or skills that they are lacking
Greater Time Efficiency

Your employees have more time to assist customers and generate revenue
Increase Confidence & Motivation

Show your employees what they know and what they don’t know

Your Employees Learn Their Way
Benefits of Adaptive Learning Courseware

When your employees take an adaptive learning course, they learn through pathways and resources that address the area they need the most focus on. This courseware adapts to the student’s knowledge proficiency through allowing them to skip courseware in which they already show a proficiency and put a laser focus on areas of opportunity.

Our adaptive courses have all the elements of our effective, efficient, and engaging courseware, so you can be sure your students are receiving the highest caliber of content.

Check out this video for a course preview:
Reduce Training Time • Build Confidence

Add adaptive learning course to your training programs today and reduce your training time, build your team’s confidence, and drive better business outcomes!

For a full list of adaptive learning courses available, explore our online course catalog.
Ready to Learn More?
© OnCourse Learning
399 S. Spring Ave. | Suite 108
St Louis, MO 63110